U poslednje vreme često idem kod frizera, najpre zato što sam umislila da mi pored kose, frizer opere i ružne misli. Za vreme pranja, sušenja i feniranja imam vremena da pročitam gomilu „ženskih“ časopisa. Uvek se radujem rubrici u kojoj čitaoci traže savet ili iznose svoja mišljenja vezano za različite životne okolnosti. Naravno, ovo su problemi i zapažanja čitalaca koji se ne govore nikome, osim omiljenom časopisu – u poverenju.
Prikazane slike su ilustracije najzanimljivijih rečenica autentičnih pisama čitalaca koje sam sakupila iz raznih magazina. Originalna pisma su anonimna; slikama su dodeljena imena po sopstvenoj proceni. Zamilšljala sam kako bi mogla da se zove osoba koja je napisala takvo pismo i sudeći po zvučnosti i iskustvu, imenovala slike. Kolaži koji su predstavljeni su napravljeni od istih novina iz kojih sam izdvajala pisma. Na ovaj način sam od teških i ružnih ispovesti napravila živopisne kolaže.
Lately, I often visit hairstylist, primarily because I persuaded myself that beside hair, hairstylist washes away all the ugly thoughts that are mingling around my mind. During the process of washing and drying I manage to read a pile of “female“ magazines. Particularly enjoying is a column where the readers ask for advices or share their experiences and opinions on different life events. Of course, those remarks are not shared with anyone, but their favorite magazine – confidentially.
Pictures presented in the series are illustrations of authentic letters of the readers I collected from various magazines. I chose sentences that are a gist of the letter but also have some humor in them. Original letters are anonymous; each painting is given a name based on a personal experience; I imagined what could be the name of a person with such a problem or a comment and thus a title for the painting was selected. Paintings – I call them, but they are rather collages made from the same magazines where the letters were found. Thus, heavy and difficult confessions are converted into lively collages.